freelance writing job

How To Get A Job In Freelance Writing Magazines

Freelance writing jobs for magazines are often well-paid, and they provide you with a great spotlight. Many freelancers believe that established periodicals would not hire unknown writers, but it is not true. Magazines look for a good story rather than a big name. If you give them what they really need, you stand a great chance of being accepted and hence proceeding to a new level of your freelance career. Use the step-by-step guide below to navigate your way to your first magazine gig.

  • Study the publication you want to write for.
  • Pick several recent issues and read them closely. Are there any names on the bylines that do not repeat on the masthead? If so, it may be a sign that a magazine buys from freelancers, and it makes sense to pitch them. What do they normally write about? What do their headlines look like (shocking, mysterious, etc.)? What sources do they cite, what types of research data or statistics are present? Do they prefer a conversational or businesslike tone? You need to answer all these questions to form a clear idea of what these particular magazines look for. Also, write out the name of the editor to whom it is right to pitch your story to. If you query the wrong person, he or she would probably delete your email rather than forward it.

  • Find a story idea.
  • Now that you know what topics a certain magazine prefers, you need to invent your own story in tune with what it has published recently, yet make it fresh and new. Think about the value you can offer the magazine’s readers. Tell them what they would be interested to know. Look for story ideas everywhere – in your conversations with friends, local media, competing magazines, and Google.

  • Explain your reasons for writing this story.
  • Most magazines prefer articles that have strong reasons for being offered at that moment. Ask yourself: why did you choose to write this story? Maybe it is about a recent trend in the industry, or a follow-up with fresh research data on what they have covered. Be ready to explain your reasons clearly to the editor.

  • Write a great query letter.
  • The main secret of getting published is a great query letter. Do not simply write your article and send it. Instead, you should pitch a relevant editor with your idea (not a ready story!) and get his or her approval. To find out what a good query should look like, study the successful examples – those that got their authors published.