freelance writing job

Skills To Develop If You Want To Get A Good Freelance Writing Position

Freelance writing is an excellent career choice for people who want to be their own boss while making a great living doing something they really like. There are thousands of great freelance writing positions out there, but before settling on any one opportunity there are a few vital skills you should develop. Here are the six most important skills:

Writing in Different Subjects

In order to get the really good jobs you have to be able to write in a number of different subjects. You don’t have to be an expert in all of them but you should have some general understanding of key terms and some of the most recent hot topics for discussion.

Proofing and Editing

No client will want to hire a freelancer who consistently submits material that is riddled with errors. Be sure you proofread and edit every piece you submit. The better quality work you submit the more likely it will be that you find one or two long term clients who will be happy to add you to their team of regular contributors.

Having Different Voices

In addition to learning how to write in different subjects you should also develop your skill for writing in different voices. Some assignments will require you to write a first person opinion piece, other assignments will require to write in the third person for a report. The wider your capabilities the more likely it will be for you to land a great position.

Communicating with Clients

If you’re not one to send regular updates either by phone or by email then you aren’t going to do very well as a freelancer. Communication is vital to any good contract or project. You don’t have to write long-winded letters. A simple short paragraph every few days should do just fine.

Meeting Deadlines

Be sure to submit your work by any agreed upon deadlines. If you find yourself falling behind on occasion it’s best to let your client know so that he or she can either make other arrangements or modify schedules if they are to be greatly affected.

Searching for Opportunities

Lastly, be sure you develop the ability to search for and submit regular opportunities. You never know when a client needs to cancel or end a project. And the last thing you want is to get stuck looking for another job in order to make up for the lost income.